

The Bund
The Bund and its surrounding neighborhood really have it all: legends old and new, historic monuments and fast-changing progress, slices of local life and brand-name luxury--all within walking distance. When dusk falls and lights are on, the splendid array of structures resembles misty ice palaces in a variety of colors, which lure visitors to linger longer. The Bund is worthy of its name as "a gallery of international architectures".
翻译: 外滩及周围区域千真万确地拥有了人们所向往的一切:新旧典故并存;历史古迹与飞速变化发展同现,居民生活琐事与奢华精品共享——且都在百步之内。 当暮色降临,华灯初上,宏伟的建筑群酷似薄雾朦胧的冰雕宫殿,色彩缤纷,吸引游客流连忘返。外滩称为”世界建筑博物馆“,乃名副其实。