



upper east siders





S: What are those?

B: Louis' wedding vows. I found them, hidden in my desk last night, and I was drunk enough to allow myself a minor ethical transgression.

S: Blair. Okay, how were they?


S: _______________2__________________

B: You may. I can't wait for you to hear them on Saturday, and you don't have to keep up the charade with Humphrey for me any longer. Louis and I are in a good place now.

S: Yeah,well. ___________3___________I'm gonna go into the office now take down my column. It'll help Dan. You ready?

B: Ready for what? No.


It's like he peered into my soul. I know Louis loves me, but sometimes, I wonder if he understands me. But reading this, is exactly what I needed to go into our wedding. Sure of my choice. Can I be a little jealous? I'm glad everything worked out like it should have. Miss me, upper east siders? Have you been asking yourselves if you're better off now than you were two months ago?
这是什么? 路易的结婚誓词。藏在我的书桌里面,我昨晚找到的,我喝醉了。所以允许我小违反下道德。 布莱尔。好吧,写得怎么样。 他就像看透了我的灵魂,我知道路易爱我,可有时,我会想,他是不是真正了解我。但看了这个,这完完全全就是我对我们婚姻的期望。我更坚定了我的选择。 我可以小嫉妒以下你吗? 可以。我等不及想你在周六听到他说这些话了。你也不用再为了我和汉弗瑞演戏了。路易和我现在很好。 我很高兴所有的事都如期望般顺利。我现在要去办公室了。处理我的专栏,这样可以帮到丹。 准备好了吗? 准备好什么。不要。 想我了吗?上东区的孩子。你们有没有扪心自问,现在的你们真的比两个月前过得更好吗?