The Bond
Champs Elysee
the Huangpu River 

The Bond area, once a terminal for docks and a lane for lovers, was closed in 2007 as the city planned to make it "as charming as the Champs Elysee in Paris." Now throngs of visitors can lean against riverfront barriers, where once stood concrete walls that permitted a less-open view of the river. Now people can walk along the broad new promenade. The promenade between a complex of high-rise buildings and the Huangpu River has been widen and the 11-lane surface road has been cut down to four lanes to make room for pedestrians after a 6-lane new tunnel opened beneath the Bund.
翻译: 外滩地区曾是轮船码头的集散地,也是恋人聚会胜地。因城市规划将其改建为“迷人的巴黎香榭丽舍大道”,2007年起外滩地区就被封闭了。如今众多的游客可以依靠在江边围栏,尽情观赏旖旎的风光。而原来,此处都被混凝土高墙遮拦着,游人能看到的景色相当有限。今天,游客能沿着新建的宽广滨江大道,边走边观赏。位于浦江和一幢幢毗连的高楼之间的滨江步道已经拓宽,原有路面11条行车道已减少至4条车道,在其之下新建了一个具有6车道的地下隧道。