


It's not that bad in here.

I thought my first trip to a laundromat

would be a lot more depressing.

Six years we spent together,

and now he won't even look at me.

Oh, not the bag.

I just looked at his bag... now yours?

Max, it's driving me crazy.

1 ______________________________?

I majored in changing topics.

So what did you ever see in your ex,

the lost Winklevoss twin?

We're not talking about William.

We're talking about your bills.

Well, I'm talking about your Bill!

Oh, face!

Max...We're trying to start a cupcake business.

And I can't believe I'm about to say this

but 2______________________,

you're our best chance for credit.

Listen, everybody's broke in their 20s.

And 3__________________.

You run into freezers.

I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.




What did you major in in college with my father's financial baggage everybody hides from stuff
我还以为我人生第一次去自助洗衣店 会更苦闷凄惨呢 共度了六年的时光了 他却懒得看我一眼 别再拿账单袋了 才看完他的裤裆袋 现在你又掏出你的 麦克斯 这真让我抓狂 你在大学主修什么 主修转移话题 你到底看上你前任哪点 那个失散的山寨温克吾斯兄弟 温克吾斯兄弟: 控告脸书创办人剽窃脸书原始创意的兄弟档 现在不谈威廉 只谈你的账单 我也只谈你的比尔 Bill 一字多义 可作为William的昵称 也有账单的意思 吃瘪吧 真没想到我得跟你说这件事 由于我爸在金融上有不良记录 你是我们申请贷款的最佳人选 听着 谁二十多岁的时候不是穷的 人人都有要逃避的事情 你选择躲进冷藏室 我选择视而不见和用酒精麻痹