Conrad发现了Frank谋害Lydia的证据。是时候撇清他与Grayson家族的关系了,并且,Mr. Grayson找了一个好借口。






David Clarke




Hey, Frank. Water. We've been through a lot together. We certainly have. Too much, I think. I think the time has come for us to go our separate ways. Are you firing me? No, firing is not the word I'd use. After 20 years of service, what word would you use? Ok. All right. You want to hear the truth? For whatever reason, you've chosen to show a deeper loyalty to my wife than to me. What are you talking about? Oh, come on. There's only one way Victoria could've found out about the check I wrote to Lydia from the Cayman account, and that was from you. Now exactly why you chose to breach my trust, I can only speculate, but the net result is the same. No matter how you do the math, Frank, I can't trust you anymore. You can't trust me? You wouldn't be sitting here if it isn't for me. You'd be in a federal prison, rotting... and David Clarke would still be alive. Yeah, which is why I wrote a second check in your name. Now I think you'll see that it reflects my deepest loyalty and appreciation for what you've done. My jet's all fueled up, ready to take you anywhere you want to go. I suggest you go some places very far away from here.
弗兰克。 请给我一杯水。 我们一起经历了许多。 恩,当然。 我想可能太多了,是时候分道扬镳了。 你这是在解雇我吗? 这可不是我要用的词。 我为你鞍前马后20年,你觉得用什么词合适? 好吧,你想听事实是么?我不知道你为什么选择效忠我老婆多过效忠我? 你说什么呢? 得了,维多利亚能知道我从开曼账户里给莉迪亚开出支票的唯一途径就是通过你。不论你为什么打破我对你的信任,结果都一样,你再怎么辩解,弗兰克,我也没法继续相信你。 你不能信任我?要不是我,你现在能坐在这儿?你早就烂在联邦监狱里了,而大卫克拉克现在也活着。 是,所以我另外开了一张支票给你,你肯定能看出其中蕴含了我对你所做的工作满怀忠诚和感激。我的飞机已经准备好了,随时带你去你想去的地方。我建议你离开,去一个离这儿远点的地方。 (原创翻译 melare)