






C: Jim ...
B: Hey. We got the whole place clocked. Keeping an eye on the Haynes couple. Sheriff doesn't want them skipping town.
G: And neither do we. We have a strong suspicion Portia Richmond is dead.
C: Did you see that?
G: ____.
C: ____.
G: Hi. May we check your coats?
B: ____?
P: I don't follow.
B: A $5,000 stole your wife stole? What, are you guys in business?
P: Amanda didn't know she had even taken it till Mr. Grissom here told her.
B: Is that kind of like the guy who, uh walks out of the auto mall with a nissan sentra in his pocket?
P: Why am I here? Why? 
G: Jim ... may I? Mr. Haynes, we ran a sexual assault kit on Lacey Duvall. We found semen. Can you explain that?
P: Yeah. Yeah, my wife's not here. Time to convert lies into The Truth. I had sex with Lacey before the party.
G: Would you mind giving us a DNA sample?
P: No. ____. It was good sex. Well ... great sex. Whenever we could steal a moment, uh, we did. Just like an addiction.
C: Well, in addition to exchanging bodily fluids did you exchange gifts?
P: Whatever do you mean?
B: Just answer the question.
P: No. No. I never gave her anything.
G: We found a music box in Lacey Duvall's dressing area that belonged to Portia Richmond. Did you give it to her?
P: Honestly ... no. Those music boxes belonged to Portia, not to me. ____.
B: You saying that she lifted it?
P: Human nature. We always covet what we can't have.
G: What did you covet from Portia Richmond?

They're on the grift She took that fur from right under their noses What are you, a couple of kleptos My relationship with Lacey was purely sexual But Lacey had been by the house and she did admire them
CATHERINE: 吉姆…… BRASS: 嗨。我们在这里部署好了,监视海恩斯这对夫妻。治安长说不希望让他们逃窜。 GRISSOM: 我们也不想。波西亚·里奇蒙德极有可能已经被谋杀了。 CATHERINE: 你们看到了吗? GRISSOM: 他们居然行窃。 CATHERINE: 就在他们眼皮子底下把那件皮草大衣拿走了。 GRISSOM: 两位好。可以把你的大衣让我们检查一下吗? BRASS: 你们俩到底是什么人?夫妻大盗? PATRICK HAYNES: 我不是很明白你在说什么。 BRASS: 你太太偷了价值5000美元的大衣啊。你们来这里做“生意”? PATRICK HAYNES: 多亏了葛瑞森先生提醒,要不然阿曼达还意识不到自己无意中拿了这东西。 BRASS: 你这样说……岂不就像是进入车行然后说把车子放进了口袋这样的大话。 PATRICK HANES: 为什么把我抓来这里?为什么? GRISSOM: 吉姆……让我来问吧。海恩斯先生我们在雷茜身上进行了性侵犯检测,她体内有精子,你能解释这点吗? PATRICK HAYNES: 当然可以。没错,既然我妻子不在,我也没有必要隐瞒。晚会之前,我是和雷茜发生了关系。 GRISSOM: 可以让我们取一下你的DNA样本吗? PATRICK HAYNES: 可以。我和雷茜的关系纯粹是性方面,我们在性方面合作得非常好,我们在这方面简直是天作之合,只要一有机会,我们便会做,简直像上了瘾一样。 CATHERINE: 除了性方面你们可曾互相交换过礼物? PATRICK HAYNES: 你要问什么? BRASS: 回答问题就是! PATRICK HAYNES: 没有,没有。我从来没有给过她什么。 GRISSOM: 但我们在雷茜的化妆台发现了个音乐盒,那音乐盒原来是属于波西亚的,是不是你给她的? PATRICK HAYNES: 老实说……真的不是。那些音乐盒是波西亚的,又不是我的。但是雷茜也进过那房子,她很欣赏那些音乐盒的。 BRASS: 你的意思是她偷了? PATRICK HAYNES: 这是人类的天性。人总是会垂涎自己所无法拥有的东西的。 GRISSOM: 那你垂涎波西亚什么?