

Khin Nyunt

The former Prime Minister of Burma has been found guilty of charges including official wrongdoing and the accepting illegal payments. Khin Nyunt was given a 44-year suspended sentence on Friday. Legal experts say that he most likely will be kept under house arrest. Two of Khin Nyunt's sons also were found guilty of similar charges. The sentences are not known. Khin Nyunt has been under house arrest since he was ousted in October by the military government.
缅甸前首相钦纽被指控有包括作风不正和受贿等罪名,于周五被判以44年的缓期。法律专家说他很有可能是在家被软禁.他的两个儿子也被以相似的罪名 指控,但判决目前还无从知晓.钦钮自从十月被军政府驱逐出来就一直在家软禁. ---原创翻译,BY月岛潇荷 缅甸前首相被指控犯有包括官方不法行为和受贿等罪名,钦纽会被判以44年的缓期。刑法专家推断他最有可能会被拘留在家。他的两个儿子也被指控相同的罪名,判决还未知道。从10月份被军方遣出,钦钮就被拘留在家。 ——译文来自: vincerita