






M: We want to thank the crime lab for discovering that Mrs. Bennett's husband was dead when she disassembled him.
C: Disassembled him? So she admits to taking an electric saw to her husband?
M: After he was dead, yes. As you know, in Nevada, ____.
C: There's no law saying it's okay, either.
G: Does your client care to tell us how her husband came to be dead?
M: Well, she has no idea. She came home from the grocer's went into the bathroom and there he was in the tub, deceased.
R: No. I-I want to explain.
M: Briefly, Mrs. Bennett.
R: ____. So I-I got the saw ... and I cut him into manageable pieces.
C: "Manageable"?
R: Mmm.
G: ____?
R: Yeah. To Mount Charleston.
B: I called that whistle-blower's line at the local treasury office. You know, the one that handles social security fraud? They were happy to help.
C: Well, Mrs. Bennett ... can you afford the burial now?
M: What are you talking about?
C: It's her husband's social security checks from the last two years.
B: The signature's the same till seven months ago. Q.D. Matched the lady's writing. Mrs. Bennett, you've been cashing your dearly departed's checks, haven't you?
G: ____.
C: It's also a motive.
M: ____. But there's no murder here. We're done. Mrs. Bennett.

there's no law against cutting up a dead body I couldn't afford the burial You made it easier to transport his body And that's fraud You want to alert the government about some forged social security checks, be my guest
MARGARET FINN: 我们很想感谢鉴证组终于发现,在她把尸体分割的时候,班尼特先生已经死了。 CATHERINE: 分割他?那她承认是用电锯把她丈夫的尸体分割的? MARGARET FINN: 是在他死后才这样做的。你应该知道,在内华达没有法律说分割尸体是犯法的。 CATHERINE; 但也没有法律说这种做法是对的。 GRISSOM: 能让你的委托人跟我们说说她的丈夫是怎么死的吗? MARGARET FINN: 她自己也不清楚,她从商店里回来后,就发现他躺在浴室的浴缸里已经死了。 ROSE BENNETT: 不,我想解释一下。 MARGARET FINN: 简要说就行,班尼特夫人。 ROSE BENNETT: 我付不起葬礼的钱。所以我就用锯子把他分割成容易处理的几部分。 CATHERINE: 容易处理? ROSE BENNETT: 嗯。 GRISSOM: 这样运送尸体就比较容易? ROSE BENNETT: 是的。运到查尔斯顿山。 BRASS: 我给当地的经济诈骗调查科打过电话了,也就是专门处理保险诈骗案件的,他们非常乐意帮忙。 CATHERINE: 好了,班尼特夫人,你现在付得起葬礼费了吗? MARGARET FINN: 你在说什么? CATHERINE: 这是她丈夫最后两年领的社会保险帐单。 BRASS: 七个月以前的笔迹是完全吻合的。笔迹鉴证人员对过笔迹了,班尼特夫人,你一直都在领你已经死去的丈夫的社会保险金,对吗? GRISSOM: 那可是欺诈。 CATHERINE: 也可以说是一种动机。 MARGARET FINN: 要是你们想跟政府部门说,有关伪造社会保险单的话,尽管去好了。但现在没谋杀案了,案子结了,班尼特太太。