2014-05-05 16:53
Asked how he succeeded, the student explained he had just come from a physics class on pendulum motion. What he had learned in one context transferred to a completely different one.
This principle works elsewhere as well. To enhance your creativity, learn something new. If you're a banker, take up tap dancing; if you're a nurse, try a course in vitamin therapy. Read a book on a new subject. Change your daily newspaper. The new will combine with the old in novel and potentially fascinating ways. Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new that's within you.
这个道理在其他方面也同样有效。要提高创造力,就得学习新的知识。如果你是银行家,就学一学跳踢踏舞;如果你是护士,就学一学维他命疗法。读一本关于某一门新学科的书,不要总是读同一家日报。新的东西与旧的东西会以全新的、可能是非常诱人的方式结合起来。要变得更有创造力意味着你得留心你那些无穷无尽的想法, 学会捕捉你脑子里的新东西,并将之付诸行动。
- 相关热点:
- 英语学习资料
- 英语听力
- 新视野大学英语
- 英语专业四级新闻听力