



C: Grissom.
G: I'll see you guys in the evidence lab.
C: Night shift so slow you've got to pick over my cases?
G: I'm just making sure that we've answered all the questions.
C: Was it arson? Yes. No doubt about it. What accelerant was used? Let's see - hydrocarbon residue, and a credit card receipt. Got to be gasoline.
G: Yeah? ____? And ____?
C: He's a volunteer fireman, Gil. He knows how to start a fire and hide the evidence. Don't you think, ____?
G: What are you so afraid of, Conrad? We're just a couple of science geeks. Why can't we work together?
C: No, we are public servants. ____. ____.
G: Yes, we are - if it's our mistake that put them there.
C: Fine. Spin your wheels.
G: Hey, Eck? What is the new policy on vacation days?

Why was there no trailing why no evidence of an incendiary device anywhere in the bedroom if this guy was remotely innocent, his attorney would be involved in your little investigation We investigate cases as efficiently as we can and then we move on We're not a clearinghouse for defendants on the eve of trial who don't like what we've turned up
CONRAD ECKLIE: 葛瑞森。 GRISSOM: 你们俩在实验室等我。 CONRAD ECKLIE: 你那么快就要接管我的案子吗? GRISSOM: 我只是想解答所有的疑问而已。 CONRAD ECKLIE: 这是纵火吗?是的。这毫无疑问。那促燃剂是什么?那里有炭氢物残余,加上那个信用卡收据,这一定是汽油来的。 GRISSOM: 是吗?那为何没发现汽油痕迹呢?为何在房间各个角落都找不到纵火的证物呢? CONRAD ECKLIE: 吉尔,他可是个义务救火员。他知道怎么纵火而不留下任何的证据。这家伙要真是清白的话,那为何他的律师不肯帮他着手调查呢? GRISSOM: 康拉德,你到底担心什么呢?我们只是在作科学调查而已。我们为何不能一起合作? CONRAD ECKLIE: 不,我们可是公务员。我们要尽可能快地把案子破了,然后着手下一件案子。我们不是那些被告最后的救命稻草。再说这也不是我们份内的事。 GRISSOM: 要是因为我们的误断使他们坐冤牢的话,那就属于我们份内之事。 CONRAD ECKLIE: 好的,你好自为之吧。 GRISSOM: 嘿,埃克?那个出台的关于休假的新政策是什么?