




Well done, Lydia. I am so happy that we're friends again. Well, it certainly appears that way, doesn't it? But then again appearances can be deceiving, can't they? And you've practically made it an art form. Understand something, Lydia. Every time I smile at you across a room, or we run into each other at a luncheon, or I welcome you into my home, let that smile be a reminder of just how much I despise you. And that every time I hug you, the warmth you feel is my hatred burning through. Goodbye, Lydia. My husband's waiting for me.
做得好,莉迪亚。 我们又成为好朋友,这真让人高兴。 看起来似乎是,但表面现场也有欺骗性的,你已经熟谙于此、堪为艺术了。你得明白,莉迪亚。每当我从房间的一头对你微笑,或者我们在午餐会碰面,又或者我邀请你来家里做客,那微笑都代表了我对你深深的鄙视。每当我拥抱你,你感受到的温度都是我熊熊燃烧的恨意。再见,莉迪亚。我丈夫正在等我呢。