The major reason for the decline of Asian elephants is the harm to their forests. The huge increase in the human population has caused the destruction of the Asian forest for human population. As a result, the Asian elephants are compelled to scatter in different areas. Originally they lived all over the continent, but now there are only small isolated populations left. These isolated elephant populations are vulnerable to extinction. While Asian elephants are threatened by illegal capture and detaining, they are also killed for ivory and skin. In July 1990, a British wildlife group uncovered a black market for elephant skin. Elephants are shot in the forest along the border between Thailand and Burma, and their skin was sold to factories in Bangkok. Their skin is made into shoes, belts, suitcases, wallets, etc., to sell to tourists.
亚洲象数量下降的主要原因是对他们的森林的破坏。巨大的人口增长对亚洲的森林造成了破坏。所以,亚洲象被迫分在在不同的地区。原来它们生活在各个大陆,但是现在只剩下一个孤立的小种群。这些孤立的大象种群面临着灭绝的危险。 然而亚洲象正面临着非法捕捉和拘留的威胁,它们也因象牙和象皮被捕杀。1990年7月,一个英国野生动物组织在黑市场发现大象的皮肤。许多大象都是在沿着泰国和缅甸边界之间的森林中被捕杀的,然后他们的皮肤被卖到在曼谷的工厂。他们的皮肤被做成鞋、皮带、箱包、钱包等向游客出售。 ——译文来自: veraaaa