Unit 5 Great man I- passage (3/5)


Albert Einstein


University of Zurich


Academy of Sciences


First World War

However, the family did manage to send Einstein to a technical school, and later an institute. In 1901, he began teaching, and in 1902 he worked as a patent office examiner in Bern. Now able to pay his own expenses, Einstein continued his schooling at the University of Zurich, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905. This was the period when he first began the research which led to his famous theory of relativity. By 1914 Einstein had gained world fame. He accepted the offer to be a professor at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study. It was an ideal position, but soon his peace and quiet were broken by the First World War. His research was interrupted. Only when peace finally came in 1918 was he able to get back to work.
但是,最终爱因斯坦家送爱因斯坦去了一家技校,后来成为一所大学。在1901年,他开始教课。在1902年她在Bern处做了一名专业办公室管理员。现在他能支付自己的费用,爱因斯坦继续了他在Zurich大学的学业。1905年,在那里,他获得了博士学位。这是他第一次开始做实验和调查的时期,这些试验和调查将导出哈著名的相对论。 在1914年,他已经世界闻名了。他接受了在柏林Prussian科学学院做教授的邀请。他责任少,可也很少,学校不限制他学习和研究的机会。这是一个理想的职位,但是他的和平和安宁很快被第一次世界大战打破。他的调查研究中断。只有在1918年和平最终来临的时候,它才继续工作。 ——译文来自: 大梦心法