
N: Hey. What's going on?
T:     1     
N: What, protective custody? No one's threatening you.
T:     2      Came here to get an agent, make contacts, not this.
N: Yeah. It's gonna be okay. All right? If anybody can catch Ghovat, it's him.
T: Really?
N:     3     
P: Come here. I just got word from Jones.
N: Oh. New watch.
P: Yeah, gift from Elizabeth. Thank you very much.
N: No sundial to clutter it up. Very nice.     4     
P: Dmitri is at a fashion show.
N: Lucky him.
P: And guess who's with him.
N: Who?
P:     5     
They're moving me now. They're not taking any chances. He's the best. What's Jones got? Remember that model that was with Ghovat last night?