
S: So what Don is saying is that through a variety of media, including a spot during the Danny Thomas Show, if you can afford it, we could really boost awareness.
D: Then, a 10% off coupon in select ladies' magazines will increase your first-time visitors. [00:14]    1     
R: Mr. Draper, our store is 60 years old. We share a wall with Tiffany's. Honestly, a coupon?
D: Miss Menken, coupons work. I think your father would agree with the strategy.
R: [00:32]    2     So I suppose what I think matters most right now.
C: Miss Menken, why did you come here? [00:45]    3     
R: If I wanted some man who happened to be from the same villiage as my father to manage my account, I could have stayed where I was. [00:58]    4     
S: It's not just research, Miss Menken. [01:03]    5     
R: I'm not interested in housewives.
D: What kind of people do you want?
R: I want your kind of people, Mr. Draper. [01:12]    6     People who are coming to the store because it is expensive.
D: We obviously have very different ideas.
R: Yes, like the customer is always right? [01:25]    7      Sterling Cooper has a reputation for being innovative.
D: Miss, you are way out of line.
S: Don, please. Let's not get emotional here. [01:35]    8     
D: Talk out what? This silly idea that people are gonna come to some store they've never been to because it's more expensive?
R: It works for Chanel.
D: Menken's is not Chanel.
R: [01:46]    9     
C: What Don's saying is, Chanel is a very different kind of place. It's French, it's continental, it's...
R: Not just another Jewish department store?
C: Exactly.
R: You were right, Roger. [01:59]    10     
D: This is ridiculous.
S: Don.
D: I'm not gonna let a woman talk to me like this. This meeting is over. Good luck, miss Menken.
Once we get them into the store, the rest is kind of up to you. He might, but he's not here because we just had our lowest sales year ever. There are a dozen other agencies better suited to your needs. Their research favors coupons, too. Housewives love coupons. People who don't care about coupons, whether or not they can afford it. Gentlemen, I really thought you could do better than this. There's no reason we can't talk this out. That's a vote of confidence. This place really runs on charm.