Unit 5 Food and Drink  饮食—  Passage (4/4)


the US

Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of "junk food". Potato chips, candy bars, soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats. Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go "all natural". They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives. American culture is a good illustration of the saying "You are what you eat." Americans represent a wide range of backgrounds and ways of thinking. The variety of foods enjoyed in the US reflects the diversity of personal tastes. The food may be international or regional. Sometimes it's fast, and sometimes it's not so fast. It might be junk food, or maybe it's natural food. In any case, the style is all American.
忙碌的美国人也趋向于吃一大堆「垃圾食物」。洋芋片、糖果、汽水和其它好吃的东西都颇受欢迎。许多人吃了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它人则选择较健康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至选择「全天然」的食物,他们拒绝吃任何有化学制品或添加物的食物。 美国文化是「你吃什么就成为什么样子」这句话的好写照。美国人代表了范围广泛的背景和想法。在美国可享受到的各式食物正反映出个人品味的多样化。这食物可能是国际性也可能是地区性的;有时是快餐,有时也不见得;它可能是垃圾食物,也可能是天然食品。然而无论如何,它们都是美式的。