The following passage shows a dialogue. In this dialogue, two students arrange an orientation for the freshmen.

Hints :

45-minute tour

时间格式表达:例 600

温馨提示:请注意区分"okay"与"ok", 有语气词uh.


And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. Oh. Ok. We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building. Great. Now, how about the oral interviews? Well, we're planning to start them at 2:15. Uh,well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they'll be hard pressed to start then. Ok, let's get things rolling around 2:45. Ok, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk? Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack.
午饭后,我们组织的新生游校园活动要在1:30开始,为时45分钟。 哦!好的。 我们想让学生参观整个校园,包括工会大楼,图书馆和学生服务部大楼。 很好。口试怎么安排呢? 我们计划在2:15开始口试。 哦!这样的话,老师们会忙不过来的,因为他们需要事先做充分的准备。 听你的。那就推迟到2:45吧! 我先记下来。你帮我从桌上那支笔,好么? 可以。在你桌上找支笔好比大海捞针一样难。 ——译文来自: carol12590