

Hello. Hello, Jenny. It's me, Frank. Oh, hi, Frank. How're you doing? Not too bad. Say, are you doing anything Saturday evening? No, nothing special. Why? Well, do you feel like going to that new restaurant for dinner? That's a terrific idea. Great, what about taking a ride in the country first? Sure, why not? Where shall we meet? Why don't I pick you up at your house? OK. What time? Is five o'clock OK? Fine. Well, see you at five Saturday evening. Right. Be seeing you. Bye.
喂! 喂,詹妮。是我,弗兰克。 嗨!弗兰克,近来好么? 不错。周六晚上你有空么? 没特别重要的安排。你有什么事啊? 很好,你想去那家新开的餐馆吃饭么? 好主意。 太棒了!我们先开车去乡间兜兜风,如何? 好的,为什么不呢?咱俩在哪里碰面? 我去你家接你,好么? 好。几点过来? 五点,怎么样? 很好,那么就周六晚上五点见了! 嗯,再见。 再见。 ——译文来自: carol12590