Emily寻求心理医生的帮助,在她半真半假的陈述中,Dr. Banks似乎很尽职。






Most of the memories I have from childhood are happy ones. Warm summer days filled with love and light. And the certainty that even the darkest storm would eventually pass. And for a while, at least, they always did. And then? And then, my parents' car went off a cliff and they were both killed. But you were not. No. I survived. Clearly it's this early exposure to impermanence that makes it so difficult for you to trust in your adult relationships. But how do I get past that? I mean, I really want to move forward with this guy that I was telling you about, but... I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid. Emily, we've been circling this theme for a year now. It's time for you to stop playing the victim. Time for you to start taking an active role in your own happiness. Until you do that, the only thing you can expect from this new relationship or any other is that it will end bably. Ok. Think about that for next week. Thank you, Dr. Banks. Everytime I leave here, I feel more and more determined to take control. Good. Then it sounds like I'm doing my job.
童年的记忆多数是快乐的,温暖的夏日充满爱和阳光,即使偶尔会有暴风雨,我也相信,一切终将过去。 然后呢? 之后父母的车掉下悬崖,他们双双遇难。 但你没有。 是的,我活了下来。 显然早期遭遇的不幸让你很难在成年之后轻易相信感情。 我怎么才能克服呢?我真的很想和对你提过的那个人有进一步发展,但是.. 我不清楚,大概还是害怕吧。 艾米莉,这个话题我们已经进行了一年多,你是时候走出来了,你应当为自己的幸福变得积极些。唯有那样,对这段新感情或其他事情的期待 才不会变成悲剧。时间到了,我们下周见。 谢谢您,班克斯医生。每次我离开这里都会觉得越来越有信心。 这样很好,我工作的效果就达到了。