
trend-setting amusement park theme park rid off the worries get away from the daily grind lift one's spirits one's spirits sink memorable cultural heritage folktale ethnic minorities exterior interior cosmetics amateur prejudice fiction non-fiction
引领潮流的 adj. trend-setting 游乐场 amusement park 主题公园 theme park 消除担心 rid off the worries 从日常琐事中摆脱出来 get away from the daily grind 提振某人的精神 lift one's spirits 精神消沉 one's spirits sink 值得回忆的 adj. memorable 文化遗产 cultural heritage 民间传说 n. folktale 少数民族 ethnic minorities 外观 n. exterior 内部 n. interior 化妆品 n. cosmetics 业余爱好者 n. amateur 偏见 n. prejudice 虚构情节图书 n. fiction 以事实为基础的书 n. non-fiction