As 2013 dawned, there remained a faint pro-MOOC glow following the “Year of the MOOC” in 2012 (as the New York Times described it). Times columnist Thomas Friedman, writing on Jan. 26, was still declaring that universities were in the midst of a “revolution” brought on by massive open online courses. A day later, Don Tapscott, writing for the Globe and Mail from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, gushed that this was “the week university (as we know it) ended.”
2012年曾被称为“大规模在线开放课程之年” (引用《纽约时报》的说法)。2013年伊始之际,对大规模在线开放课程的赞誉之声仍未停歇,《时代》周刊撰稿人托马斯·弗莱德曼在1月26日的期刊上称道,大型公开在线课程已经引发了一场教育革命,这场教育革命正在各大高校中展开。第二天,在瑞士达沃斯参加世界经济论坛的唐·塔普斯科特在为《环球邮报》撰写的稿件中称,“周一到周五的传统教育方式已经走向了终结。”

Taking these two as marking one bookend to the year, the other bookend would most certainly be Sebastian Thrun’s declaration in late November in Fast Company that the MOOC provider he founded, Udacity, doesn’t “educate people as others wished, or as I wished. We offer a lousy product.” Speaking about the quality of Udacity courses, he said, “We’re not doing anything as rich and powerful as what a traditional liberal-arts education would offer you.”
这两个人的观点标志着人们对大规模在线开放课程2013年发展的一种评价趋向,而塞巴斯蒂安·特龙的观点则代表着对大规模在线开放课程的另一种评价取向。他在11月下旬为《快速公司》杂志撰写的稿件中称,自己创建的大规模在线开放课程供应商品牌Udacity“没有如他人希望的,或我自己所期望的那样完成传道授业的使命。我们的产品是不尽人意的。” 谈到Udacity大规模在线开放课程平台上的网络课程质量,他说,“我们所提供的教育资源,远不及传统的大学文科教育所能提供的教育资源那样丰富多彩而影响深远。”

That, readers, was the sound of the MOOC bubble – as envisioned by Thrun and a coterie of venture capitalists – bursting. As 2012 was the year of the MOOC, 2013 was predictably the year of the MOOC backlash – or, at the very least, the end of the MOOC hype.

Having not just one year, but two years in a row, linked with MOOCs may seem a bit much to those of you in higher-ed whose daily working lives do not revolve around MOOCs – i.e., most of you. However, there is no denying how much oxygen the MOOC conversation has sucked up, not just in North America but globally, far beyond any other higher-ed topic. And while the MOOC hype was overblown, there remain dozens – likely hundreds – of examples of experimentation going on with open, online learning. Some of these projects, such as those funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through its MOOC Research Initiative, aim to fill the research gap about the impact of MOOCs on teaching and learning and are leading to some very interesting conversations.

That, or course, barely scratches the surface of all that happened in the past 12 months. What were some of the major trends in postsecondary education for you this past year?