Transportation 不用听写

traffic jam traffic congestion treacherous road conditions public transit magnetically-levitated trains sky train streetcar tram trolley ferry road rage aggressive drivers reckless driving drunk driving culprit offender commuter traffic volume volume of traffic
交通堵塞 traffic jam/ traffic congestion 危险的路况 treacherous road conditions 公交 public transit 磁悬浮列车 magnetically-levitated trains 轻轨 sky train 有轨电车 streetcar/ tram/ trolley 渡轮 n. ferry 横冲直撞 road rage 蛮不讲理的司机 aggressive drivers 不负责任地开车 reckless driving 酒后驾车 drunk driving 肇事者 n. culprit/ offender 每天经过长距离去上班的人们 n. commuter 交通量 traffic volume/ volume of traffic