
Every year , I'd get so excited sitting beside a big pile of toys , not knowing my dad was selling them at a crazy markup. You have a lot of balls. And as Christmas got closer , I got more psyched. You have a lot of balls. But by Christmas Eve , he sold every last toy. And I got stuck with crap. You have a lot of balls.
每一年我都很高兴的坐在一堆玩具旁边,不知道我爸高价卖出它们。 你可真够狠的。 每当圣诞节临近我更是翘首以盼。 你丫够狠的。 但是在圣诞节当天,他都会把最后一个玩具卖掉。 我就只剩一些破烂玩玩了。 你太狠了。 By:灌心饼干