
P: "Blanca nieves y los siete enanos"?
N: Snow White and her seven little men.
P: This is what triggered our alert? What do we know about this guy?
D: Says he's a rare-book dealer.
P: Anything wrong with his paperwork?
D: No.     1      He declared them each time.
P: All right, Dino. Are we wasting our time?
N:     2      Can't be worth much.
P: So why go to all the trouble of flying them in?
N: Good question.
D: He sure is nervous for having all the right paperwork.
P: I want to talk to him.
D:     3      Hey, boss, I'm grabbing some coffee.You want some?
P: Yeah. Anything but decaf.
N: Diana, I'll take mine straight.
D: Neal, the coffee shop's outside.
P:     4     
N: Oh, harmless flirting. It's like a dance.
P: There is no dance.     5      No dancing for you.
N: She digs the hat.
P: She'd rather be wearing the hat.
He brought in the same books in the same quantity on three previous trips. They're not limited ones or special editions. I'll set it up. You're way out of your league. You're not even on her dance card.
P:《白雪公主与七个小矮人》? N:《白雪公主与七个小矮人》。 P:就是这些在安检时触发了警报吗?我们对这个人知道些什么? D:据说他是一位专卖珍本书的商人。 P:他的材料有什么问题吗? D:没有。他前三次带的也是这种书,重量也一样。他每次都有通报。 P:好了,流浪汉,我们在浪费时间吗? N:这不是限量版也不是特别版。不值多少钱。 P:那为什么要大费周章把他们托运过来呢? N:问得好。 D:他的文件都很齐全,但他却很紧张。 P:我要跟他谈谈。 D:我来安排。头儿,我要去买点咖啡,你要吗? P:要一杯,不是低咖的就行。 N:戴安,我要纯咖啡。 D:尼尔,咖啡店就在外面。 P:你简直是在不自量力。 N:噢,无伤大雅的调情,就像跳舞一样。 P:没舞可跳。你甚至不在她的舞伴名单上。所以你没希望。 N:她提到了我的帽子。 P:她宁愿戴那顶帽子。 ——译文来自: Joy小怂