Rebekha 跟Elena述说了吸血鬼的起源,他们的家族为了保护自己让女巫祖先,也就是他们的母亲给自己的家族下了咒...

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Elena: _______1________

Rebekha: Because my mother was also a witch.

Elena: What?

Rebekha: __________2__________ Where do they keep their best vintage?

Elena:But if your mother was a witch, then...

Rebekha: Am I? No. A witch is nature's servant. A vampire is an abomination of nature. __________3___________ She did not turn.

Elena: How did you turn?

Rebekha: She called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects, for immortality. That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood. And then he drove his sword through our hearts.

Elena: ______4_______

Rebekha: And he wasn't delicate about it either.

How could she do anything? The witch of the original family, the original witch. You can either be one or the other, never both. My mother did this for us. He killed you.
Elena:她能做什么? Rebekha:因为我的母亲也是女巫。 Elena:什么? Rebekha:祖先家族的女巫,即是女巫祖先,他们把好酒放哪了? Elena:但是如果你妈妈是女巫,那么... Rebekha:我可不是。女巫是大自然的仆人。吸血鬼则是被自然所唾弃的生物。你只能做其中的一个,不能同时是两者。我母亲为了我们才做了这一切。她没有变成吸血鬼。 Elena:你怎么变成吸血鬼的? Rebekha:她召唤了代表生命的太阳和白栎树,它是大自然不朽力量的代表物之一。那晚,父亲给我们喝了混了血的葡萄酒,然后他用剑刺穿了我们的心脏。 Elena:他杀了你们。 Rebekha: 而且丝毫没有手下留情。