


The boy looked destroyed. Silently, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank. The officer turned to me. "You know," he said, "you really shouldn't have interfered." "Shouldn't have interfered?" I shouted. "Well, it damn well seemed to me that he needed someone to represent his interests." "Someone was representing his interests," he said softly. "Who might that be?" "The bank." I couldn't believe what this idiot was saying. "Look," I concluded, "we're just wasting each other's time. But maybe you'd like to explain exactly how the bank was representing that boy's interests? "
那男孩看起来是很受打击。他静静地把存折放进后口袋然后走出了银行。 那个银行职员转过身来对我说:“你知道,”他说,“你真不应该管这件事的。” “不应该管?”我大声吼道。“在我看来这男孩需要有人来维护他的权益。 “已经有人在维护他的权益了,”他温和地说。 “这个人是谁?” “银行。” 我不能相信这个笨蛋居然说出这样的话。“这样,”我说,“我们现在都在浪费对方的时间。或许你可以解释清楚银行是如何维护男孩的权益。