


How does it work?

It's easy.


Get back, please. They were trying to hide it, so I knew it was wrong.

Where's Gwen now?

Doing the dining room with Anna.

They'll be finished soon. Then I'll wait.

With all due respect, Mr Carson, Gwen is 2__________________.

Indeed she is, Mrs Hughes, and I have no intention of usurping your authority.

I merely want to get to the bottom of it.

Why shouldn't Gwen have a typewriter if she wants one?

Mind your own business.

What's that doing here? Ah, Gwen.

Come in. Why is that down here?

Who's been in my room? 3_______________!

See here! In the first place, none of the rooms in this house belong to you.

And in the second, I am in charge of your welfare and that gives me every right.

This is you isn't it?

All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriter and why she feels the need to keep it secret.

You just press the letters and they print on the paper under my jurisdiction They had no right
这个怎么用?很简单。 你只要按这些字幕,就能印到纸上了。 请你们离远点。 她们企图藏些什么东西,被我看出来了。 格温现在在哪? 和安娜一起收拾餐厅,马上就能回来。 那我就等着。 恕我直言,卡森先生,格温归我管。 的确是如此,休斯太太。 我绝对没有企图篡夺您的职权,我只是想搞清楚事实的真相。 为什么葛文想要一台打字机都不行? 别多管闲事。 那东西怎么会在那? 葛文,快进来。 那东西怎么会在这里?谁进我房间了?他们没权这么做 注意,首先,这座庄园的任何一个房间都不属于你。 其次,你的一切由我负责,因此我也有权管你。 是你做的,对不对。 我们只想搞清楚,葛文要打字机做什么?她为何要对此保密。