单纯的阿宝总是上当 这次是因为神马呢~ 让我们一起来听听看吧~

饼干酱微信~ cookie__s (是两个下划线) 名字就叫饼干酱~ 有问题欢迎加饼干酱微信~

Hints: Tigress


Tigress, my most trusted and loyal friend. Joy luck buzzer? How did you know? Come on, Monkey. What fool would fall for that? Hey, everybody. Po, my most trusted and loyal friend. Monkey! My most annoying friend. Oh, Po, you are so gullible.
哦嗨虎妞~ 你是我最信任的好盆友~ 整人电击器咩? 你肿么知道? 拉倒吧猴哥~ 哪儿有傻瓜会上当 捏哈哈 大家好吖~\(≧▽≦)/~ 阿宝吖~ 你是我最好最好的好盆友~ 恩呢猴哥!! 我最讨厌的朋友!!! 哦阿宝啊~ 你太好骗了~ By: 灌心饼干