儿子追媳妇  老妈支招~ 我们一起来听听看吧~

p.s. 大家都赶脚饼干酱的节目冗长咩? 今天饼干酱把原来的全文听写改成了听短对话 嘻嘻有神马觉得还需要改进的地方 欢迎私信饼干酱哦~~


         boyfriend -- I



Try and get her to sit next to you in the center of the couch where it dips. Ever since your fat aunt broke the springs , two people can't sit there without ending up in each other's laps. Good idea. Give her some wine , get her in the couch dip and kiss her. She has a boyfriend -- I don't know if … Jimmy , if you don't make a move soon ,you're gonna get stuck in the friend zone. And that is a real thing. I saw it on Friends. Ross and Rachel were stuck in it. It made for some good episodes , but poor Ross was in Hell.
想办法让她和你一起坐在沙发中间凹下去的地方。 自从你胖婶把弹簧坐怀后,只要两个人同时做下去就会陷在一块。 好主意。 上点小酒,拐上沙发,热吻一番。 人家都有主了,我不知道可不可以这样…… Jimmy,如果你不再来一点实际行动,你就会在朋友圈里困住。 姐一点不唬你,在《老友记》里真的~ Ross和Rachel困住了。 那几集是很好看,但是可怜的Ross可是生不如死。 By 灌心饼干