Hints:句子听写,有句号呦~ Castle:This is quite possibly the worst coffee I've ever tasted. _____(1)_____ It tastes like… it tastes like a monkey peed in battery acid. Beckett: _____(2)_____ Castle:Yeah, so? Beckett:So? _____(3)_____ It’s creep. Don't you have somewhere else to be? Castle:_____(4)_____ Beckett:Oh, my gosh. I get it. You're hiding. You book is coming out today, and you are hiding. Castle:No, hiding would be building a fortress out of my comforter. And then downing a fifth of Scotch(威士忌). _____(5)_____ Beckett:I thought that you don't care what people think. Castle:I don't… much.

It's actually kind of fascinating. Don't you have a book coming out today or something? You are watching me do paperwork. I like it here. But apparently that's considered unhealthy.