嗨大家好~ 让我们一起跟随家有喜旺这部美剧来练习听力吧~~ 这级是Jimmy兄弟俩在泳池边的对话 他们说了什咩好玩的事呢 我们一起来听听看吧~~

Hints:  Great Dane
           kooky chick

Hey, where'd you disappear to last night? After the party, I tried to ride some dude's Great Dane all the way to water tower and back. It didn't go well. Did you see that kooky chick that I was carring around on mu shoulders? Yeah. I left with her. She convinced me to get a tattoo. Oh, that is awesome. I want one. Oh! Why does he think that's so funny? All right, this is our job! Jimmy, he's the boss, man. You think I like it when he pushes me in the bushes when I'm taking a leak? I don't. The thorns hurt my wiener. But this is the career path that we've chosen. Hey, where you going? I quit. Come on! You can't walk out mid-skim. You have any idea how unprofessional that is?
我说你昨天晚上干嘛去了? 派对结束之后我本来想带着那哥们的大丹去水塔那边溜达溜达来着 可是各种不顺溜 你昨天晚上看见我搭在肩膀上的那个怪妞了米有? 嗯哼 我俩昨天是一起走的 她说服我纹了个纹身 哇哦 真棒啊! 我也想走一个 妹的 他居然赶脚这样子好玩 这是我们的工作好不啦! Jimmy 他是咱老大好咩? 你以为我嘘嘘的时候被他推进灌木丛里我开心咩? 当然不!! 荆棘扎坏了我的好伙伴。。。。(囧) 但这是我们选的工作哎╮(╯▽╰)╭ 嘿 你干嘛去 我不干了!! 别啊 你不能半途而复吖~ 你知不知道这样做是很不专业的表现吖! By: 灌心饼干