时间:12月10日(星期二)19:45 - 20:45



“苏珊教美语”创始人, 资深在线美语老师,喜玛拉雅手机之声外语频道最受欢迎原创英语主播!8年白领英语教学经验,以性感动听的美语发音,活泼生动的教学风格深受广大英语学习者的好评!




1.I'd appreciated it if ______. 如蒙______不胜感激
e.g.I'd appreciate it if you could send me a copy as soon as possible.
e.g.I'd appreciate it if you would consider our proposal.

2.I don't mean to press you, but ______. 我不想催你,但是_____
e.g.I don't mean to press you, but how soon do you think you can finish the job?
e.g.I don't mean to press you, but we need the data to be submitted to our customers next week.

3.I hate to trouble you, but _____. 对不起给你添麻烦了,不过______
e.g.I hate to trouble you, but could you make fifteen copies of this document by two thirty?
e.g.I hate to trouble you, but will you kindly answer the employee questionnaire?

4.Wouldn't it be better to _____? _____不是更好吗?
e.g.Wouldn't it be better to go for Plan B?
e.g.Wouldn't it be better to consult with Mr Lin first?

5.What I'm trying to say is that _____. 我想说的是_____
e.g.What I'm trying to say is that we should look for other options to be on the safe side.
e.g.What I'm trying to say is that depending too much on one country in sourcing can be quite dangerous.

6.I'm impressed with(by) _____. 我对______印象深刻(被打动)
e.g.I'm impressed by the president's speech.
e.g.I was impressed with the way you dedicated to your work.

7.Correct me if I'm wrong, but _____. 如有不当之处,请指正,不过______
e.g.Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we supposed to discuss the sales training issue?
e.g.Correct me if I'm wrong, but temporary staffs are also eligible for this benefit.

8.You may have a point. 你说的似乎有道理
e.g.You may have a point. But I still believe this plan is doable.
e.g.You may have a point. This schedule looks quite aggressive.




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