XNDk2OTY5Mjk2/ Hints: Getae 句末不需要标点符号 A: __1__ B: Thrace and the republic have known their differences, __2__. But let us put aside such matters uniting in just cause. A: You pushed away into our land, __3__? Your hand extended? B: I extend no hand. I’m here merely to inform. Mithridatic and his Greek attack from the east encroaching from the Black Sea. A: __4__. B: True. __5__. Their barbarian hordes are massed to the north, barely half a weeks march from your villages. A: How many? B: Thousands.
Let the Roman have his say we are not always being as brothers and now you stand asking for our help Far removed from our villages But the Getae take advantage of the distraction
A:让罗马人说吧。 B:色雷斯和罗马之间有总所周知的矛盾,我们并非情同手足。但是现在,我们应该不计前嫌,团结一致。 A:你侵犯了我们的领地,现在居然指望我们伸手求助? B:我没有伸手求助,我只不过是来传达消息。米特拉达人和希腊人从东面进攻侵占了黑海。A:离我们村落远着呢。 B:没错,但是盖塔人会趁虚而入。他们的野蛮人大军簇居在北部,再有三四天就会到达你们村落。 A:有多少人? B:数以千计。