Hints: 本期学习的字源:cogn, gnos=know认知 Rembrandt James Bond Cuba Cuban 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
recognize cognitive Cognitive psychology has been widely applied in education. cognizant You needn't warn me. I'm fully cognizant of the danger involved. cognoscenti This Rembrandt has long been a favorite among the cognoscenti. incognito This is another soap opera about an emperor traveling incognito. connoisseur The character James Bond is a connoisseur of fine wines. reconnaissance A U.S. reconnaissance flight over Cuba sparked the Cuban missile crisis.
Cognitive psychology has been widely applied in education. 认知心理学广泛应用在教育上。 You needn't warn me. I'm fully cognizant of the danger involved. 你用不着警告我,我完全清楚其中的风险。 This Rembrandt has long been a favorite among the cognoscenti. 这幅林布兰一直是鉴赏家的最爱。 This is another soap opera about an emperor traveling incognito. 这又是一部皇帝微服出游的肥皂剧。 The character James Bond is a connoisseur of fine wines. 詹姆斯·邦德这个角色是位美酒鉴赏家。 A U.S. reconnaissance flight over Cuba sparked the Cuban missile crisis. 美国在古巴上空的侦查飞行,引发了古巴导弹危机。