2013-12-04 11:13
For the first time we’re getting four new episodes of Sherlock in one series.
The bonus installment is technically a Sherlock mini episode, BBC One confirmed today. Titled “Many Happy Returns,” the story will be available via BBC’s Red Button service and online starting December 25 (Christmas Day).
这次的额外福利是《神探夏洛克》将会出一集迷你集,今日BBC One也证实了这个消息。这集迷你集名为《Many Happy Returns》,观众可在12月25日圣诞节当日通过BBC的“红色按钮”服务播观看或网络在线观看。
The synopsis for the Sherlock mini episode reads, “Sherlock has been gone for 2 years. But someone isn’t quite convinced that he’s dead…”
Who could it be that thinks our favorite detective is still alive? Perhaps Watson himself, who may be still in denial over his friend’s passing and continues searching for clues of his survival. Whoever it is, it turns out he was right: Sherlock indeed lives.
It sounds like “Many Happy Returns” will be a prequel of sorts to Sherlock series 3′s official start on New Years Day. The synopsis for the series indicates that the show will pick up two years after his climactic fall during the series 2 finale.
迷你集《Many Happy Returns》听起来像是《神探夏洛克》第三季的先行篇,而第三季也将在2014年元旦进行官方首播。圣诞迷你集的梗要显示,故事将在第二季结尾高潮夏洛克纵身一跃的两年后继续展开。