作者ID : colearnt
Embroidery, which is of great significance in both Chinese Art and the history of handcraft, is one of the most popular traditional folk arts in China. Its industry is driven by the development of silkworm raising and silk-reeling. In the world, China is the first country to discover and use silk. It was 5,000 years ago that Chinese people began to raise silkworm and to spin silk. As the producing and the developing of silk, embroidery gradually raised. Nowadays, Chinese embroidery is very popular around the world and is widely applied to the modern fashion design.
评语:本篇译文整体表达良好,属中上等文章。本篇词汇运用贴切,时态无明显错误,能适量运用复合句型来转述原文的意思,避免了译文的单调和重复。但在“随着丝织品的产生与发展,刺绣工艺逐渐兴起。”这句话的处理上有些欠妥,建议修改:With the emergence and development of the silk, embroidery is gradually rising/thriving.
中秋节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。庆祝活动定于农历(lunar calendar)八月十五。相传,嫦娥奔月成仙(immortal)后,百姓们纷纷摆出蜜食鲜果祭月(givesacrifices),祈求吉祥平安。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗便在民间传开了。俗语说得好:“月是故乡明。”每到中秋这天,许多远在他乡的游子都会回家团聚。这一天,家人朋友欢聚一堂,共赏象征着富足、和谐、吉祥的满月。大人们喜欢吃美味的月饼,而孩子们则喜欢提着灯笼到处玩耍。
作者ID: Psy__cho
Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important Chinese traditional festivals, whose celebration is on August fifteenth of lunar calendar. After Chang’e flew to the moon and became immortal, people constantly give sacrifices with sweet food, in order to pray for luck and safety. Give sacrifices on Mid-Autumn Festival has spread widely among folks as a tradition ever since. As an saying goes: ”The brightest moon ever is the one in hometown. ” Every Mid-Autumn Festival, a great number of wanderers go back home and have a family reunion. On that day, families and friends gather together, appreciating the full moon, which symbolizes rich, harmony and luck. Adults are fond of eating delicious mooncakes, while children tend to play around carrying lanterns.
评语:本篇译文词汇丰富,能够运用一些常见短语和句式来表达文中的意思,全文时态清晰,表述条理,能够较好的转述出原文的意思,但个别短语和词汇运用欠妥,比如”农历八月十五“建议翻译为:on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar;in order to 前面的逗号可以删掉;”富足、和谐、吉祥“三个词为并列词,翻译时应注意词性保持一致,rich建议修改为:prosperity/richness。
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