Tyra Banks will be back next summer. The CW has officially renewed its longest-running series, the reality competition America's Next Top Model, for cycle 21.
Tyra Banks 明年夏天还会与我们相见,CW电视台已经正式续订这个超长系列的真人选秀,全美超模大赛第21季。

The new season of the show will air next summer, as cycle 20 did, and it will once again feature both male and female contestants.The competition has remained a reliable part of the CW's schedule, though it sticks out like a sore thumb as the only reality project on the network best known for younger-skewing scripted dramas, many of which have a sci-fi/fantasy twist.
新的一季将于明年夏天播出,同第20季一样,会有男模女模同台竞技。超模大赛一直是 CW 电视台节目表上的重要一环,它作为网站上唯一的真人秀节目,很惹人注目,这个网站一直是以年轻化的戏剧闻名,其中很多都存在扭曲的科幻场景。

America's Next Top Model cycle 20 premiered in the summer and will end Friday, November 15. The premiere scored 1.55 million viewers and the show has consistently scored above 1 million on Friday nights, an improvement over the previous season.