BEIJING, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank on Wednesday announced cuts in both the interest rate and reserve-requirement ratio in the latest effort to boost the domestic economy amid worries over the deepening global financial crisis.


The deposit and lending rates would be lowered by 0.27 percentage points from Thursday and the reserve-requirement ratio would be down by 0.5 percentage points from Oct. 15, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said.


The Federal Reserve, together with six other major central banks from around the world, slashed interest rates Wednesday to cope with the current financial crisis.


  • 利息税:interest rate
  • 存款准备金率:reserve-requirement ratio
  • 金融危机:financial crisis
  • 中国人民银行:People's Bank of China
  • 存贷款基准利率:The deposit and lending rates
  • 美国联邦储备银行:The Federal Reserve