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Jim Parsons and boyfriend Todd Spiewak arrive for their first public appearance as a couple at the 2013 GLSEN Respect Awards at Beverly Hills Hotel on Friday (October 18) in Beverly Hills, Calif.
上周五,Jim Parsons和男友Todd Spiewak在加利福尼亚比弗利山庄举行的同性恋保护组织GLSEN颁奖晚会上首次公开亮相。

The 40-year-old actor was seen posing with Big Bang Theory co-star Mayim Bialik inside the ceremony.
在晚宴上,这位40岁《生活大爆炸》男星还和同为出演此剧的演员Mayim Bialik合照。

Jim and Todd were honored with the Inspiration Award during the evening.

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