34 basejumpers from 15 countries have gathered in southwest China's Guizhou province to jump from the 370 meter high Balinghe bridge in Anshun city. Basejumping requires participants to jump from fixed objects and use a parachute to break their fall. The term “Base”, is actually an acronym for Building, Antenna, Span and Earth.

A leap into thin air.

Base jumping is as much about the thrill as it is the skill. Sometimes, more than two jumpers jump together. The aim to perform as many stunts in the air as possible before touching down. It is exciting no doubt, but jumpers have their share of the jitters.

Jumpers deploy their parachutes when they are about 100 meters above the ground. In the time it takes to land, they adjust their direction to be able to land where they want to.

Not everyone however is able to land in the center of the target area which is the criteria used by judges to mark the jumpers. But most jumpers do not care so much for the judge’s decision. To land safely and enjoy the jump, are the most important for them.

This is actually the second time that a base jumping event has been held on the Balinghe Bridge in Anshun city. The height of the bridge and the natural scenery around attract jumpers from around the world. The plan is to hold the event in October next year as well.
