We've seen the Season 5 premiere of "White Collar" and we've got some spoilery scoop for you, fans.

The episode is titled "At What Price". At what price will Neal save Peter and at what price will Peter try to keep Neal "safe."

The Peter-Neal friendship has always been for us the best aspect of the show and it's kind of remarkable that the creators keep finding ways to keep that interesting. This season will continue to put that to the test.

The Case of the Week is a doozy -- there's a suicidal jumper, firemen, two fires, two heists and Mozzie pushing an English-style pram. It's always fun to see what shenanigans Mozzie gets into.

Somebody's pregnant! But we're not telling who.

We all know Mark Sheppard is returning as Curtis Hagan, and was Peter and Neal's very first case.