Over the course of its first season, Orphan Black weaved a tale of mystery and intrigue as to why a group of clones — all played brilliantly by Tatiana Maslany — came into existence and who is pulling the strings.
在第一季的过程中,《黑色孤儿》展现了一个神秘事件并且设计了一群克隆人——这些都被Tatiana Maslany完美地演绎了——这个真实的在幕后操纵一切的人。

Suffice it to say, the question of freedom will be raised in the upcoming second season, which goes back into production at the end of September. caught up with Maslany on the set of Parks and Recreation to get the scoop on what's in store for each of the clones, including poor Alison, who inadvertently signed her life away in the finale. The 27-year-old actress also discusses the pressure she feels going into Season 2。
其实只要说在第二季中关于自由的主题会有所凸显就够了,这可以追溯到9月底的创作。在Parks and Recreation表演后追上了Maslany,也得到了关于每个克隆人的独家新闻,但当然也包括可怜的Alison,这个在最后不经意地就失去了生命的人。这位27岁的女演员也谈论了对于第二季所感到的压力。

At the end of Season 1, we learned that the clones are actually trademarked, so will the question of freedom be a running theme in Season 2?

Tatiana Maslany: It resonates differently for each of them. There's something about that idea of ownership over your body that I feel is quite resonant to women. It's so interesting that it's in the context of clones, but it's all women dealing with this idea of, "Do I own my body? Is my body mine? Who am I if I don't own my body? Who am I if somebody else has decided all this stuff?" I think Sarah is a fiercely rebellious person. Cosima is fascinated with this concept because of the science of it and because of the way that she can break things down. Alison bought into it.
Tatiana Maslany:这对于他们每个人来说都产生了共鸣。这是种关于你自己身体所有权的想法,并且对女性来说更加有感触。有趣的是这是在克隆人的环境中的,但是正是所有的女性都想到了这点,“我拥有我自己的身体么?我的身体是我自己的么?如果我没有拥有我自己的身体那我又是谁呢?如果有其他人已经决定了所有的一切那我又是谁呢?”我认为Sarah是个极其难控制的人。Cosima在此想法下是很令人着迷的,因为其科学性并且因为在这种方式下她能打破常规。Alison也参加了。

For Sarah, will her charge be finding her daughter Kira and trying to get away from all of this?

Maslany: Yeah, I think [she's] claiming something for herself, re-claiming her life. That all involves Kira and Felix and whatever Mrs. S' deal is.

Yeah, what is her deal?!

Maslany: I don't even know, but I can't wait to know! She's so amazing and is an incredible actor.

Will you miss playing Helena?

Maslany: Oh my God, yes, so much. I loved her so much. She's such a ferocious, feral creature, so it's really fun to key into those things.

Which clone has been the hardest for you to play?

Maslany: They're all really challenging in different ways. Rachel, by the end, was quite scary to bring out because I had established all of the others and knew them so well. So, to bring someone new in was scary. They're all a challenge though. 

With so many fans, do you feel more pressure for Season 2?

Maslany: It's a mix. I've talked to my close friends about the fear of going in because now people are watching. It is scarier, but they love the show. They're not going, "Well, can you do it again?" They're like, "Oh, we can't wait to see the show." It's for the audience that we're doing the show. We're telling stories, and if they like the stories, that's awesome. We have to embrace the fact that now we have an audience. It is scary because now there's pressure to deliver, but that's a good thing.