There’s a new doctor at Seattle Grace! Shirtless swimming champ Michael Phelps shoves Grey’s Anatomy star Justin Chambers, aka Dr. Alex Karev, out of the way during a segment for late-night host Jimmy Kimmel’s pre-Emmys special, Jimmy Kimmel’s Big Night of Stars. Series regular Eric Dane, aka Dr. Mark Sloane, also made an appearance in the Grey’s scenes with Phelps. Watch the video below! The 2-hour premiere of the REAL Grey’s Anatomy airs this Thursday, Sept. 25 @ 9PM ET/PT on ABC. Lots and lots of drama ahead, as usual!

《格蕾》又有新医生入驻!原来是奥运泳冠军迈克·菲尔普斯赤裸着上身一手推开了《实习生格蕾》中的大明星扮演Alex Karev医生的Justin Chambers。这只是艾美奖之前的宣传片片段,其中和菲尔普斯一同出场的还有Mark Sloane医生。可以看以下视频哟~~
