

It was the Edinburgh Festival in 1974 and I was there performing in the Cambridge Footlights Revue. He was there being Mel Smith.
Whereas many boys or young men in their early 20s can be a bit awkward and diffident, Mel already exuded an air of great confidence.
So without being classically good-looking, this made him extremely attractive. I don’t think we used the term ‘babe magnet’ in those days but it could have applied to him.
I wouldn’t say we were kindred spirits, though our backgrounds weren’t so very different.


1. diffident adj.羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的
2. exude v.散发;流出;使渗出;发散
3. babe magnet n.少女磁铁,形容受欢迎的人
4. kindred adj. 同类的;血缘的;同族的 n. 家族;相似;亲属关系
5. kindred spirits n.志趣相投;性情相投的人;有共同兴趣(或爱好、习惯)的人  




It was the Edinburgh Festival in 1974 and I was there performing in the Cambridge Footlights Revue. He was there being Mel Smith.
Whereas many boys or young men in their early 20s can be a bit awkward and diffident, Mel already exuded an air of great confidence.
So without being classically good-looking, this made him extremely attractive. I don’t think we used the term ‘babe magnet’ in those days but it could have applied to him.
I wouldn’t say we were kindred spirits, though our backgrounds weren’t so very different.


It was the Edinburgh Festival in 1974 and I was there performing in the Cambridge Footlights Revue. He was there being Mel Smith.
Whereas many boys or young men in their early 20s can be a bit awkward and diffident, Mel already exuded an air of great confidence.
So without being classically good-looking, this made him extremely attractive. I don’t think we used the term ‘babe magnet’ in those days but it could have applied to him.
I wouldn’t say we were kindred spirits, though our backgrounds weren’t so very different.


It was the Edinburgh Festival in 1974 and I was there performing in the Cambridge Footlights Revue. He was there being Mel Smith.
Whereas many boys or young men in their early 20s can be a bit awkward and diffident, Mel already exuded an air of great confidence.
So without being classically good-looking, this made him extremely attractive. I don’t think we used the term ‘babe magnet’ in those days but it could have applied to him.
I wouldn’t say we were kindred spirits, though our backgrounds weren’t so very different.
