Ben Whishaw

男神1号:Ben Whishaw 本·威士肖

代表作品:《香水》《故园风雨后》《007:大破天幕杀机》 《云图》


Everyone's fantasy boyfriend Ben Whishaw, aka Q from the Bond films, has confirmed that he's married partner Mark Bradshaw in a secret civil ceremony and it all happened last year.

本·威士肖在近日被英国媒体爆出与作曲家男友马克·布拉德已于去年8月在悉尼完婚。素来私生活比较低调的本·威士肖和男友相识于电影《明亮的星》,他在其中饰演著名诗人John Keats。


Jim Parsons

男神2号:Jim Parsons 吉姆·帕森斯

代表作品:《生活大爆炸》Sheldon Cooper


The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons, who has for the first time acknowledged that he is gay, proposed to his partner after winning his first Emmy in 2010, according to reports.



Matthew Bomer

男神3号:Matthew Bomer 马修·波莫

代表作品:《妙警贼探》Neal Caffrey


White Collar star Matt Bomer officially came out as gay in February 2012 when he publicly thanked his partner, Simon Halls, and their three children while accepting an award.



Adam Lambert

男神4号:Adam Lambert 亚当·兰伯特



Adam Lambert confirmed in April 2013 that he and longtime beau Sauli Koskinen were no longer an item, telling South Florida Gay News, "It's been kind of on its way out in the last couple of months. Sauli and I remain really good friends."

作为美国偶像中的人气选手,亚当·兰伯特无疑是公认的音乐天才。他也是极少数在事业之初就勇敢坦承性取向的艺人,在接受《滚石》杂志采访时公开出柜:"I am who I am, I have nothing to hide." 不过他和交往多年的芬兰男友绍利科斯基宁在2013年分手。


Neil Patrick Harris

男神5号:Neil Patrick Harris 尼尔·柏德烈·哈里斯


How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris, 38, and fiancé David Burtka, 37, were photographed with their adorable twins Harper and Gideon in June 2012 in New York City. The doting daddies played with their color coordinated tots, 19 months, at the park and were later seen hailing a cab.

尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯在美剧《老爸老妈浪漫史》中饰演的花花公子Barney形象深入人心,而现实生活中,他和同性伴侣大卫·伯卡(曾在HIMYM中客串Lily高中时的男友)自2004年开始就一直在一起感情十分稳定,这对“模范夫夫” 还通过代孕获得了一对可爱的龙凤胎。2011年6月24日,两人通过推特宣布订婚。如今同性婚姻在美国多地合法化,相信两人的婚期不远啦。


Zachary Quinto

男神6号:Zachary Quinto 扎克瑞·昆图

代表作品:《英雄》;《星际迷航》系列电影 Spock

Distance may have just done them in. Zachary Quinto and boyfriend Jonathan Groff have reportedly broken up after their work schedules got the best of their relationship, a source tells Us Weekly.

扎克瑞·昆图在《星际迷航》系列电影饰演经典角色史波克,他于2011年10月在接受New York magazine 采访时公开承认自己是同性恋。扎克瑞·昆图曾与美剧《欢乐合唱团》男星乔纳森·格罗夫交往一年多,但在今年7月宣布分手。


John Barrowman

男神7号:John Barrowman 约翰·巴洛曼

代表作品:《神秘博士》《火炬木小组》Jack Harkness上校

'Doctor Who' star John Barrowman has married his partner of 20 years, Scott Gill. The actor announced the news on photo and video-sharing site WhoSay and thanked the Supreme Court for making marriage legal in California.

因为《神秘博士》而走红的英国性感帅哥约翰·巴洛曼和建筑师男友斯科特·吉尔有着20年的深厚感情,2006年两人签署了Civil partners协议,成为民事伴侣;2013年7月2日两人于美国加州结婚。

Mark Gatiss

男神8号:Mark Gatiss 马克·加蒂斯

代表作品:《神探夏洛克》(编剧兼剧中角色Mycroft Holmes


English actor Ian Hallard married Mark Gatiss by civil partnership in the spring of 2008. The couple have been together since 1998.

作为目前最受欢迎的英剧《神探夏洛克》的编剧,麦哥马克·加蒂斯和演员伊恩·哈拉德可谓是英国最受影响力的同性恋夫妇。两人自1998年在一起至今,有英国民事伴侣关系。伊恩·哈拉德在《神探夏洛克》第二季第三集The Reichenbach Fall 中出演过。


Ian McKellen

男神9号:Ian McKellen 伊恩·麦凯伦爵士


Sir Ian McKellen said there are many gay actors at the top of the profession because "we spent so long pretending to be straight, to be someone else, that eventually we became very good at it".

英国老戏骨伊恩·麦凯伦爵士演艺生涯出演的经典角色无数,他是公开的同性恋者,也是英国最有影响力的同性恋组织"石墙"的发言人。2013年他还和另一位英国老戏骨德里克·雅各比主演了ITV 新剧《极品基老伴》Vicious,该片讲述一对共同生活48年的同志老伴儿遛狗读报看帅哥、床头吵架床尾和的夕阳红生活,演绎地道英式幽默。


Wentworth Miller

男神10号:Wentworth Miller 温特沃什·米勒



Prison Break star Wentworth Miller has come out as gay in a letter rejecting an offer to be honored at the St. Petersburg International Film Festival.


相关阅读:《越狱》Wentworth Miller 正式出柜>>>