中国好声音:刘悦 - Feeling Good
在第一轮“导师考核”结束后,吉克隽逸以一如既往的舞台表现力惊艳全场,获得了刘欢团队的第一个梦想席位,并且是直接保送晋级。随后,成熟勇敢的权振东和为父亲歌唱的徐海星前后成功晋级,而一直被外界关注并看好的“中国阿黛尔”郑虹,以及因翻唱《我的歌声里》而一炮走红的李代沫均惨遭淘汰。最后一组PK学员袁娅维和刘悦的去留结果曾因为电视台的剪辑问题成了当时那个礼拜五的一个悬念。袁娅维首先演唱了《At Last》,而刘悦随后演唱了爵士歌手Nina Simone的《Feeling Good》。
Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Sleep in peace when the day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good