Taylor Lautner and Marie Avgeropoulos' romance is official and they seem totally relaxed about it.

The 21-year-old Twilight star and his 27-year-old brunette beauty co-star appeared totally at ease with each other as they walked through New York City on Saturday.
And although the news and images will upset millions of Twi-hards around the globe Taylor and Marie look like a well matched young couple.

The pair have been getting close in recent weeks while filming Tracers around the Big Apple and this relationship has spread away from the set as the pair were spotted holding hands and taking selfies of one another.

And the latest indication of their blossoming union came as the two lovebirds walked through the streets of New York without seemingly a care in the world.
Taylor was dressed casually in a Los Angeles Lakers baseball cap with Michigan University light blue hoodie with matching pants and black sneakers.

The pin-up actor was still sporting a beard and wore some sunglasses to shield his eyes from the glare.

His girlfriend Marie - who injured her right ankle on the set - dressed just as casually in a denim shirt , white vest top and grey loose pants with black baseball boots.
Wearing her long hair down and with Aviator style sunglasses the actress carried a brown leather satchel style bag over her shoulder.

The young pair gripped hands tightly and inter-locked arms as they smiled together during their walk around the bustling city.


暮光系列的小狼人 Taylor Lautner 最近被拍到同新戏 Tracers 的搭档 Marie Avgeropoulous 手牵手漫步纽约街头。这对已被媒体得到正式的恋人,在恋情公开后,毫不扭捏尴尬,在纽约街头尽显甜蜜。他们十指紧扣、相视一笑的样子实在是羡煞旁人。

这对新人的缘分源于合作的新片《Tracers》,21岁的Taylor Lautner 在片中扮演被黑手党追杀的自行车信使。在拍摄过程中,与27岁的女搭档 Marie Avgeropoulous 擦出火花。Marie 因为拍戏脚踝受伤,不得不拄拐,而贴心的 Taylor 对她关怀备至。两人被拍一起去看《蓝人秀》,结束之后,因为 Marie 行动不便,Taylor 更是将其背在身后,完全是新好男人的表现。