【日常英语听力训练】之Go to school





1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

A. He takes a school bus every morning
B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
C. He walks with a group of students.

2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?

A. backpack
B. gym clothes
C. school hat

3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?

A. He practices his reading and writing.
B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

A. in his classroom
B. in the lunchroom
C. in the gymnasium

5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?

A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM