

Mariah Carey,美国著名女歌手,国际乐坛流行天后。亦是唱片制作人、词曲作家兼演员。因其2亿张的唱片销量和辉煌的音乐史记录,以及 5个八度的高亢音域和洛可可式的演唱技巧闻名于世。她是音乐史上拥有最多告示牌冠军单曲的女歌手,同时也是拥有最多告示牌冠军单曲的独唱歌手。Bye Bye一曲由其亲自创作,本是用来献给痛失的爱犬、父亲、外祖母、已逝亲人及好友,在该曲原来的MV中,出现了玛丽亚·凯莉已逝好友的照片,包括意大利著名男高音帕瓦罗蒂、创作歌手路瑟·范德罗斯及美国饶舌歌手O.D.B.等。由于歌词感人,所以,在内地有网友将其配上汶川大地震的片段,剪辑了一个全新 MV放在网络播放,希望可以鼓励生还者。

Bye Bye---Mariah Carey


This is for my peoples who just lost somebody

Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady

Put your hand way up high

We will never say bye (no, no, no)

Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins

This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers

Lift your head to the sky ‘cause we will never say bye

As a child there were them times

I didn’t get it but you kept me in line

I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes

on Sunday mornings and I missed you

But I'm glad we talked through

All them grown folk things

Separation brings

You never let me know it

You never let it show

because you loved me and obviously

There’s so much more left to say

If you were with me today face to face

