

A new “mental disease” may haunt every modern individual living a high-pace life in urban area. Its name is procrastination(拖延症). A procrastinator does not embark on(着手) his task until one or two days before the deadline. He certainly knows there are many things waiting to be done, but he does not know how to take the first step. He just opens his social networking site or micro-blog and refreshes on and on the pages, but only to realize the whole day has gone in the end. Then he gets so upset that he is lost in regret. What’s worse, he continues this vicious circle although he is totally conscious of how bad it is. At last, his time is not his anymore.


In psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing more urgent actions with tasks less urgent, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. …While it is regarded as normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological disorder.



1 Are you a procrastinator? Do you realize your time is not yours anymore? Use one specific experience of yours to express its adverse impact on you.


2 What accounts for it in your mind? Give external or internal reasons.


3 Do you make up your mind to solve this problem? Share with us the methods of time-management you will try.


Although I don’t want to admit I’m a procrastinator, actually, I really waste plenty of time doing numerous needless things like refreshing the pages and going shopping online all the day. Before falling asleep, I’m angry at myself for I haven’t achieved any positive affair which may fuel my goals and dreams. I can put the blame onto our time when the counterproductive(adj. 无效的,起反作用的) news, facts, opinions even rumors have been bombarding(vt.轰炸)us from every corner of the world. Only if I desire, I have the ability to find hundreds of excuses to comfort myself, but I would not like to do that. I can think of no better reason for my delaying other than the following one--I haven’t identified myself and my goals. Always, I only realize it is difficult to take the first step which merely turns out to be a little action. In conclusion, the “disease”, procrastination, is a huge excuse which makes people rest assured(放心) that I am just procrastinating like some others.


Unfortunately, I am a procrastination sufferer. There’s abundant of homework, tasks, orders...just out there to be finished. It beats me how people manage to make a list of priorities. I struggle to allocate time respectively but it turns out to be vain. Sometimes, things just seem to be equally important! Cheerful mood is turned lousy. In despair, I put aside everything just as I stuff a pile of clothes into the washing machine. Turn on the computer, browse microblog, Taobao... OK, time is killed in this way. Then I’ll be busy working against every second, skipping meals, to meet the deadline. Surprisingly, I figure out a way to rid of procrastination——Juuuust leave away from your computer (If you have to use it, make sure not to open unrelated websites) and accomplish each item on the to-do list one by one based on the due date. If A is due next week but B tomorrow, then I suggest that you start with B.
